Addison Slab Foundation Repair Services

Addison Slab Foundation Repair ServicesResidents throughout Addison are served by Addison Foundation Repair Solutions Solutions Solutions in addition to concrete slab foundation repair. In addition to interior and exterior remodeling, we offer foundation repair and stabilization services. Addison has been relying on our services since 1998. We will repair your foundation in no time, so that your home can get back to normal.

You may encounter many settlement problems with foundations, such as a high or low wall, moisture intrusion, and cracks. Slabs may crack due to sinking foundations. Addison Foundation Repair consultants perform on-site foundation analysis to determine if foundations are settling. Leaving a slab crack unrepaired can result in significant damage to your home or business. Addison Foundation Repair Solutions has been a leader in foundation repair in the local area for many years. Addison Foundation Repair takes a professional approach and uses innovative solutions.

How We Can Help!

We provide foundation repair services in Titusville, Texas through an insured, bonded, and licensed company. Some of the services we offer are:

  • Cracked Slab
  • Settling Problems
  • Replacement Materials
  • And More Foundation Repair Services!

Addison Foundation Repair Solutions Solutions offers slab foundation repair as one of their foundation repair services. Among the largest contractors in Addison, we have been repairing slab foundations for many years. In addition to foundation repair, we also offer non-slab foundation repair.

Cracked Slab

It can be very frustrating to have a slab, wall, or floor crack down its length. When the base shows signs of cracking, the flooring should be repaired immediately. There is no indication that there is a serious problem each time there is a crack. It will save you time and money if you know whether a crack is superficial or serious. Addison Foundation Repair Solutions Solutions should be contacted if this is the case.

Settling Problems

With foundation pier repair, the house is permanently repaired rather than having to replace portions of it or the entire structure. Piers on the ground are covered by a warranty for a specific period of time. Soil erosion and foundation settlement are commonly responsible for cracked foundations. Piers are commonly used to repair them. There are different types of foundation piers, and each is designed to address a specific type of foundation issue.

No matter if your slab foundation needs to be repaired or not, Addison Foundation Repair Solutions can help. Slab foundation repair, as well as pier and beam repair, is what we do best. Give us a call today at 972-449-4547. Whether you need a slab foundation repair or not, reach out to us at Addison Foundation Repair Solutions.